en English

What Certificates for Compostable Bags?

We are now using a lot of compostable packaging bags.

How do you know the saying compostable material compost?

How to know it works?

We need to do the test and get the certificate, then can prove it.

There are 3 most popular tests and certificates in the world,



The test standard is EN 13432(09-2000)

Mainly Market: Europe


BPI certificate from The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)in the United States andThe Competition Bureau

in Canada.

The test standard is ASTM D6400

Mainly Market: USA and North America.


FELX-162 AS4736 certificate for industry compost, from Australia.

The test standard is AS4736-2006

FLEX-162 AS5810 certificate for home compost, from Australia.

The test standard is AS5810-2010

Mainly Market: Oceania.


VINCOTTE certificate from AIB-VINCOTTE International in Belgium

The test standard is OK compost, EN 13432

Mainly Market: Europe

Each certificate has certificate No.

Can you print the certificate No onto my packaging bags when you make the packaging bags

from a custom supplier? 

Yes, but you need to get authorization first from the supplier, 

the supplier who makes your packaging bags need to give you authorization first.

Should I pay for the authorization?

Yes, this process needs some charge to give the certificate agency,

because they need to do the record, 

and make sure you and the supplier have a relationship with the business.

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Why Compostable Bag Leak?

The barrier property of the starch degradation bag and the permeability of water vapor and oxygen are all bigger than that of plastic material, which is more than 10 times of plastic material.

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