en English

Can I Print the TUV and BPI Logos on My Bags?

Can I print the TUV and BPI logos on my bags?

The use of TUV and BPI logos is highly restricted.

There are two situations for this.


the answer is yes, but without the supplier’s certificate number.

what symbols can I use then?

you can use the below symbols, single or in combination.

For a small space, you can use the below mark,

For a medium space, you can use the below mark,

For a large space, you can use the below mark,


the answer is no, if you want to print the certificate onto your bags but without Authorization.

if you are the owner of the certificate, you can use the mark included in the certificate #, if you are not the

owner of the certificate, you can not print the certificate # onto your bags. 


how can I print the mark including the certificate number?

Try to get the Authorization from the manufacturer who is the owner of the certificate. 

but you have to pay some cost to them because the owner will also need to get the Authorization from TUV or BPI first, they work for you,

so they will charge some service cost and record it to make sure everyone is the Legitimate user.

You need to ask your supplier to ask TUV or BPI Institution to give a cost to the authority.

Commercially compostable, Industry compostable, and Home compostable.

The mark has to be stated with some words to declare that the packaging bag can be home-composted.

and if your city has commercial or industry compost facilities, and the recycled work is orderly management,

then can use commercial compost.

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